When small, hard mineral particles rub across a metal surface, the surface of the metal
will be cut away. The harder the mineral and the sharper the edges of the particles, the
greater the amount of wear. This sort of wear mechanism occurs, for example, in
dredging and the transport of minerals.
In order to counter abrasive wear, it is important that the material is as hard as possible,
although its microstructure and surface are also important factors. The recommendation
here is therefore usually for alloy steels containing chromium or tungsten, which are
Supplied By RIHUI Ceramic Welding Backing
Date: 2023-04-10 hits: 547 Return
Spot welding ( Ceramic Backing) 2023-04-10
Ultrasonic welding( RIHUI Backing) 2023-04-10
Spot welding( RIHUI Ceramic Welding Backing) 2023-04-10