Approval related to previous experience (EN 288-6)
Many workshops have considerable experience of the manufacture of welded structures
involving third-party inspection, with good operating experience of the finished
products. In such cases, the welding procedure can be approved on the basis of reference
to previousexperience. EN 288-6 describes the conditions for this procedure, and covers
metal arc, submerged arc TIG and plasma welding It must be possible to document an EN 288- based on previous experience by authentic tests or investigations that show that the technical
specification requirements for the product are fulfilled.
Supplied By RIHUI Ceramic Welding Backing
Date: 2023-04-10 hits: 617 Return
Spot welding ( Ceramic Backing) 2023-04-10
Ultrasonic welding( RIHUI Backing) 2023-04-10
Spot welding( RIHUI Ceramic Welding Backing) 2023-04-10