Some general advice in respect of fatigue
If the number of load cycles expected during the life of the structure exceeds 1000, a
fatigue analysis should be carried out.
1,Be wary of designs where natural frequency oscillation phenomena can occur. In
such cases, the number of load cycles will rapidly become very large.
2,If the material is not affected by the weld, then the fatigue strength will be approxi-
mately proportional to the ultimate tensile strength of the material.
3,If the metal has been thermally cut, it must be regarded in the same way as a welded
element as far as fatigue assessment is concerned.
4,If the structure is exposed to a corrosive environment, fatigue strength will be drasti-
cally reduced: in the worst case, by up to 40 %.
Although high-strength material may be used, a higher fatigue strength cannot be
Supplied By RIHUI Ceramic Welding Backing
Date: 2023-04-10 hits: 599 Return
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Spot welding( RIHUI Ceramic Welding Backing) 2023-04-10