The requirement elements
The requirement elements that are important for ensuring the welding process are
numbers 6 and 7, together with parts of 9, 10, 11 and 12. Among the points specified by
them are:
that welders must have been tested and approved in accordance with EN 287 (Section
6.2), EN8, EN-IS0 9606-3; -4; -5.
that NDT personnel must be qualified and approved in accordance with EN 473
that welding must be carried out in accordance with a welding procedure specifica-
tion (WPS) (Section 9.2)
Supplied By RIHUI Ceramic Welding Backing
Date: 2023-04-10 hits: 545 Return
Spot welding ( Ceramic Backing) 2023-04-10
Ultrasonic welding( RIHUI Backing) 2023-04-10
Spot welding( RIHUI Ceramic Welding Backing) 2023-04-10