This glossary describes terms that are unique to the ISO Welding Symbol Library and identifies information you are prompted to
enter. Menu pick names track the ISO Welding Symbol Library to the fullest extent possible. (For terms that are also used in the
ANSI Welding Symbol Library—and are, therefore, not unique to the ISO Welding Symbol Library—see Glossary of Menu Picks in
Appendix B, ANSI Generic Welding Symbols) In the ISO Welding Symbol Library, two lines form the reference
line, one solid and one dashed. Weld symbols attached to the solid line are “arrow-side.” Weld symbols attached to the dashed line are
“other-side.” The dashed line is only omitted for symmetrical welds.
When creating a welding symbol, you first select whether the weld is arrow side, other-side, or symmetrical. If you choose
ARROW_SIDE or OTHER_SIDE, the system prompts you to create the weld symbol above or beneath the reference line. It then
places the dashed line appropriately in the symbol depending on whether it is arrow-side or other-side.
Date: 2023-04-10 hits: 629 Return
Spot welding ( Ceramic Backing) 2023-04-10
Ultrasonic welding( RIHUI Backing) 2023-04-10
Spot welding( RIHUI Ceramic Welding Backing) 2023-04-10