Method and system for welding railroad rails-3
The selected path of the welding torch is a square weave. In the path, the torch or welding wire moves perpendicularly to the end walls of the rails. This movement is accomplished by an angular swinging action of the torch directing current to the welding wire for the welding process. Upon reaching the side wall oft he rail, the torch maintains its angle pointed toward the joint between the plates and rail end and then moves parallel to the side wall of the rail. After moving a short predetermined distance along the rail end, the robotic mechanism stops the torch carrying the welding wire. Thereafter, the torch and welding wire is pivoted or swung back toward the opposite rail. When the torch reaches the opposite rail, the angle of the torch carrying the welding wire is equal but opposite to the torch angle at the other side. Thereafter, a short forward movement is made by the torch and the cycle is repeated to create a selected welding pattern or path. By using this square wave, swinging or pendulum welding action, together with a maintenance of the height of the torch from the backing plate, advantages of the various aspects of the present invention are obtained.
Date: 2023-04-10 hits: 563 Return
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