Ceramic Welding Backing | Ceramic Backing Welding| Ceramic Backing Taps
Materials processing field has been witnessing tremendous growth during the past few decades. Welding is an important metal fabrication process that has high potential for industrial applications. Friction welding is a vital solid state joining process that has gained popularity in welding non-weldable alloys. Friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool (FWTPET) is an innovative friction welding process and was invented in the year 2006. FWTPET is capable of welding tube to tube plate of similar or dissimilar metals and is capable of producing good quality leak proof weld joints. In this work, experimental investigation of FWTPET has been carried out with and without backing block arrangement. The results of the experimental investigation revealed that by employing backin g block, FWTPET is capable of producing defect free welds. This aspect has been ensured by the conduct of macro structural observation as well as tensile test. Besides experimental investigation, numerical investigation has been conducted using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Von-Misses stress pertaining to configuration with and without backing block is 1.093x103 and 2.811x103 N/mm2 respectively. Strain rate observed in the configuration with and without backing block is 2.441x10-3 and 1.348x10-2 respectively. The results of FEA indicate that joints produced by FWTPET process supported with backing block have less stress, minimum deformation and lesser strain. The experimental and numerical investigation of FWTPET process revealed that the employment of backing block greatly enhances the quality of the joints produced.
Date: 2023-04-10 hits: 607 Return
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