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More than 100 sets of mould for ceramic backing welding

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More than 100 sets of mould for ceramic backing welding

 Achieving cost savings with innovative welding and examination techniques

Ceramic Welding Backing | Ceramic Backing Welding| Ceramic Backing Taps


Abstract In an effort to maximize quality and production in both field and shop fabrication while minimizing cost, Fluor has assessed new and innovative welding and examination technologies. Welding applications, power sources, arc transfer modes, and shielding gas mixtures using various semi-automatic processes were compared. The strategies for the selection of these welding variables, as well as the successful application of a modified short-circuiting gas metal arc welding process to carbon, alloy, and stainless steels are discussed. The optimized process combination can achieve three times the deposition rate and one-tenth of the repair rate commonly obtained with traditional processes. In weldment examinations, a modified phased array ultrasonic technique is presented. As an alternate for radiography, phased array technology allows for 10 times lower inspection times and lends itself to an ideal weld-and-check methodology. Additional cost savings and further, productivity improvements have been achieved by combining these novel welding and examination techniques. This technology has demonstrated itself with a supporting track record on several major construction projects in North America.

Date: 2023-04-10     hits: 537    Return

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